Sky High RPG
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Sky High RPG

The Roleplay site where hero's become superhero's! Graduate and join the quest in fighting supervillians or be a supervillian yourself!

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Cool, Calm, and... beautiful? ((Alia Lornell))

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Bryan Loski

Bryan Loski

We're through, being cool... We're through, being cool...

Bryan Loski would groan for listening to that awful song if not because of the class he was in. Why did he downloaded that in his iPod anyway? Oh yeah. He usually listened to it when he was being his invisible self, when Brian was a loner and all around sarcastic boy. But since he decided to change so he can be more sociable in the new school year, that song-Through Being Cool by They Might Be Giants- was getting more and more tacky for his taste. Muttering under his breath, the part-time illusionist push the 'next' button in a jiff, before the teacher caught him red-handed.

Today was the first day of history class, which means whoever the teacher was (Bryan never really cared about learning their name), he will start the day by mentioning all of the heroes that had saved major cities to be studied this year, how they save it, what achievements or awards they had or will have, and so on and so on. Unfortunately for Bryan's class, there will be no more class after this. Yes, that was unfortunate, because it means that the teacher could babble for two and a half hours (the normal schedule was supposed to be one and a half) non-stop about that annoying subject and still talking after the bell rang, since there won't be anymore class exchange. He had the whole last period for himself, even though it means eating one full hour of the student's free time. Bryan knew this because he had the same period from his freshman class. It was very excruciating.

Stroking his pencil in his sketch book with no special thoughts, Bryan listened to the next song, which is surprisingly subtle and relaxing. Sadly, he forgot the title. However, he let out a faint smirk while letting his body slumped forward, facing the probability of dozing off. But when he tilted his head to the left, the girl who sat there caught his eyes by surprise. And suddenly, the lyrics on the song that he was listening match what he felt perfectly.

Why do birds suddenly appear
Every time you are near?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you

Why do stars fall down from the sky
Every time you walk by?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you

On the day that you were born the angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true
So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair
Of golden starlight in your eyes of blue

That is why all the boys in town
(Boys in town)
Follow you
(Follow you)
All around
(All around)
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you

If he listened that song under normal circumstances, Bryan would laugh on how stupid the song sounded. But this time, it was different. It was like he's struck by lightning. The girl's face somewhat familiar, but multiplied the beautiful-ness by ten. Since this was a junior class, Bryan must have met her in previous classes at least once. Yet Bryan can't seem to remember her name. Who was it...? Ally? Lia?

Suddenly, the girl's eyes glanced for a milisecond towards Bryan. Didn't expect that to happen, all Bryan could do was smile. A goofy kind of smile, not a straight one. And when his hands stopped sketching, he blushed when he saw what he drew: her face. With his own face as red as a ripe tomato, Bryan tried to hide it with his arms. Once again, he flashed a smile, but this time it was an apologetic one. And then, out of the blue, he tried to start a conversation. "Is this class boring or what?" Not the best opening sentence, but it was better than stutter. Or just stare at the girl's face all day while possibly drooling at the same time.

((XD Tacky much? Hope this is adequate. ^^))

Alia Lornell

Alia Lornell

((Super cute Razz))

Maybe spacing out in class wasn’t the best idea, but can Alia help it? She generally liked her classes, but history wasn’t the most interesting subject for her. It was cool hearing about heroes who had already graduated and were out saving the world, although some of the things they had saved the city from were just ridiculous. The teacher was talking about giant robots in New York, which made Alia roll her eyes. Giant robots, really? This sounded a bit like a 21st century version of King Kong to her, which may or may not have been the villain’s intention. The hero that ended up getting rid of the robots was a techno path, which Alia supposed made sense. But what Alia wanted to know was, how would she be able to get rid of them? What would happen if she was ever faced with giant robots? It wasn’t exactly like she could just blow them away, and whatever sidekick that got assigned to her probably isn’t going to be the most powerful, so how is she expected to save the world when she doesn’t know how?

Tapping her pencil against the desk in an uneven beat, Alia was wishing that she had time manipulation, or something similar, to end the torture faster. Since she was supposed to be taking notes, Alia zeroed in on her paper, and slowly wrote on the paper, trying and failing to make her handwriting neat. If ever in New York at the same time as a giant robot, don’t get kidnapped and taken to the Empire State. Happy with her “notes”, Alia sat back in her chair, and resumed playing with her pencil.

Maybe Alia was overreacting with this torture thing. Glancing over, the kid sitting to Alia’s left had obviously given up on the class already, and was fast asleep. The teacher probably hadn’t noticed, or was beyond caring, and just wanted to finish the lesson. Alia was determined not to doze off, however, since the teacher had moved on to radioactive slugs, and Alia did not want to have dreams about that. She also peeked to her right, and was a bit startled when she saw the guy already looking at her. She could feel some heat traveling to her cheeks, so when the guy gave a smile, she awkwardly smiled back.

Just so she wouldn’t die of sheer awkwardness, Alia turned back to her pencil for a second, letting her hair fall in front of her face to hide her steadily reddening face. She ceased tapping on the desk, and let the pencil slip from her fingers. When that was finished, Alia shifted slightly in her chair to face the guy again. She had been in the same classes with all these people since freshman year, so maybe it was sad that she couldn’t quite remember all her classmates’ names, but she had never really tried. She racked her brain now, and came to the conclusion that it started with a B. Maybe.

The guy had been drawing something while Alia had been focusing on getting rid of her blush, which she had finally managed. She was curious, but since the boy had been trying to hide it, Alia decided it was best not to look. When he spoke, she glanced quickly to the front, and deemed it safe when she saw the teacher still rambling on. “I’m just glad my mom doesn’t fight international crime,” she replied quietly, silently thanking her dad, who had insisted that her mom just do local stuff.

Finally feeling a bit more comfortable, Alia brushed her hair out of her face, and studied the guy a little more. The only thing she could really remember was that he had an older sister who also went here, but since Alia didn’t like it when people mentioned her mom, she could only assume it was the same for this guy. “I’m probably going to pay for not taking notes later, so I hope at least one of us was paying attention,” Alia commented. She nearly motioned at the almost empty piece of paper, but decided against it when she remembered what she had written. Instead, she quickly crumpled it up, and tossed it under the desk towards the recycling bin a few yards away. It missed by a few inches, and Alia nearly cursed. Instead, she glanced up at the front again, then held her hand out under the desk again, and made a motion. A breeze picked up, and after ruffling a few loose papers, lifted the target up and into the bin.

Alia gave a small sigh of relief when she didn't get caught, and looked at her now totally empty new piece of paper. Her mom...was not gonna be happy. But she decided to leave that for later, and turned back to the guy. "I'm Alia...and you are..." Alia paused for a second. She had one chance to get it right. "B...ryan?" she tried, gripping her pencil tightly, which she had grabbed again. "I don't suppose you can do that thing you do...I'd rather be at the beach than here," Alia continued. She didn't remember names well, but she associated faces with powers. SHe could vaguely remember Power Placement, and a weird moment where she actually had thought it was summer time, which had also happened to the teacher. Realizing she was spacing out again, Alia turned red again, and flashed a grin, to at least keep up the illusion that she was paying attention.

((Agh...not happy with this))

Bryan Loski

Bryan Loski

When Bryan saw the (gorgeous) girl was about to reply to his question, he plucked out his earphone abruptly, resulting a sudden ache on his ears. While wincing and rubbing both side of his head, Bryan managed to hear what Alia had to say, about her mom didn't fight any international crime. Bryan wondered if that got anything to do with what the teacher thought just now. He was too busy listening to music back then. That is, until he caught a glimpse of the girl. From what she had been saying, her mom was the superhero one. Bryan let out a subtle smile upon hearing this fact. Lucky for her that she knew who her superhero parent was, unlike Bryan. The mind-manipulative boy never knew his father, who was supposed to be the one with superhero powers. He didn't know if his father was good or bad. As far as Bryan concerned, that man was a mystery to him. And that was how he like it: for him to remain as a mystery, nothing more.

Bryan was going to ask something about her mom just to keep the conversation alive, but apparently the girl decided to continue. She hoped that one of them take some notes about the lesson. Bryan could only chuckled as a response. "As you can see, I'm not paying attention much since... ever. History was not and will never be my forte." He waved his iPod. Bryan's interests were very limited to drawings and smart jokes. Sure, he noticed grande news from time to time, but nothing more than that. The outside world was never really that interesting for her. All he had was his imagination. But somehow, he might do some more changes... if it's necessary. Like, say, if he wanted to impress a girl. He wasn't thinking about someone in particular, of course. And definitely someone that's in front of him now. Bryan watched carefully as the brown-haired girl tossed her own notes to the bin, but missed. However, the wind managed to bring the trash up and finally dunked itself into the waste basket. Bryan's face was... indescribable. A power over wind? Can this girl be anymore cooler?

After that, the girl introduced herself as Alia. Bryan nodded, and gave a sigh of relief when she mentioned his name right. Much to his surprise, Alia actually asked Bryan to demonstrate in power. "Oh, wow." He grinned proudly, can't seem to hide his excitement. He was obviously flattered that Alia could remember his Power Placement. "You actually remembered." But before he did his magic, Bryan glanced at the teacher, who still blabbering about radioactives and heroes that got affected by it with a monotonous voice. The coast was clear. Clearing his throat, Bryan gave Alia a little warning. "Just... make sure you got your poker face on. Okay?" And without further ado, he slipped into her mind, tapping Alia's nervous system. Skin: warm feeling. Ears: soft voices. Nose: nothing in particular. Taste: also nothing in particular. But eyes?

Bryan Loski let his imagination ran through his spine. He was picturing his favorite make-shift place, the one that he saw only in dreams. Thankfully, Alia was in the program. She didn't show any change in her facial, so Bryan could only hope that she was satisfied with what he just made. It was a beach, all right. But a beach in outer space, complete with grey-yet-sparkly planet that rotated and evolved, with stars that shone different bright colors, and a sea that was neither sea green nor blue, but purple. Galaxies were splattered all over the sky, swirling and popping all kinds of colors a human could ever imagine. Concentrating fully on controlling Alia's nerve for sights, he whispered, "What do you think? Do you like it?"

((The references:))

Alia Lornell

Alia Lornell

Alia nodded at Bryan’s comment about history class. She’d like to be able to say that she loved it and didn’t have any trouble with it, but never tell a lie, right? She was pretty good with school, but some subjects were just pure torture. “Agreed,” she said simply. She lowered her voice again, just in case the teacher decided it was time to watch the class. “But straight A’s are overrated.” She sat back in her seat, and stretched quickly, before sitting up again, and trying to look as if she was listening to what the teacher had to say. She decided to stop listening again almost immediately, for a couple reasons. First, she had no desire to hear about radioactive anything, and second, she had found something better to do.

This conversation was probably Alia’s first attempt at communication with another student in a long time. She was just…what was the term? Socially awkward? Maybe. But she was enjoying it, since she didn’t really have to watch her words when she talked, and since it was passing the time faster. Bryan was definitely the most interesting part. He had actually made her blush, which was new, and he wasn’t being a jerk about it. That was increasing her view of him for sure, and she could see herself having future talks, although a different setting would be nicer for next time. If there was a next time, of course.

When Bryan said that she actually remembered, Alia playfully rolled her eyes. “I’m not that hopeless,” she joked, giving a small smile. She had been…quite impressed at the time, since his illusions seemed so real, so Alia wasn’t surprised when he told her to keep a poker face on. Alia nodded, and just in case, grabbed onto the edge of the desk, so that she wouldn’t instinctively move around. She wasn’t totally sure what she’d be seeing, but she didn’t want to announce to it to the class, especially not the teacher. Alia was pretty sure she wouldn’t do anything embarrassing, but you could never be sure. Since she didn’t know exactly how this worked, Alia just sat still…until everything changed.

The classroom disappeared, although she knew she was still in it, but what replaced it was amazing. Still, the change was so sudden; Alia gave a sharp intake of breath as she tried to figure out where she was. It was like a beach in space, although it was a million times better than either of the two that made it up. Alia resisted the urge to move around the non-existent place, and try and touch the water, so she settled with a sigh of content. Hopefully, it’d just look like she was interested in whatever the teacher was talking about now. It was also very disconcerting when she heard Bryan’s voice, but couldn’t see him. She turned to where he was supposed to be, but of course, didn’t see anyone there. Alia wondered how she could summarize something like this. “It’s beautiful,” she breathed. The word seemed like an understatement, but if she had to use one word to describe everything, the simple word with a complex meaning worked for her.

She was definitely going to be seeing this place again tonight, if she could memorize everything. But right now, Alia wanted to figure out exactly what was happening, and where she was. She could see now why that one teacher had tried to jump into the ‘water’, since everything looked so real. Just to remind herself that it wasn’t, Alia reached out to her right, where Bryan was supposed to be sitting. Hopefully, if she could at least assure her mind that she wasn’t here, her body wouldn’t do anything stupid. Alia’s hand made contact with something, that if she had to guess what, she would say Bryan’s arm. At least, she hoped it was that, and not anything more embarrassing or awkward. “Bryan?” she whispered, still trying to figure out where everything was. If this was him, then the teacher would be more to the left, and even more would be that kid who was asleep. Alia was very impressed, again, but now she was getting confused on what was real, and what wasn’t. “I think you’d better take the illusion away before I do something stupid,” Alia whispered to what she hoped was Bryan, a smile growing on her face. This was definitely worth it, but Alia would rather talk to Bryan, than be in one of his illusions. “I’d rather talk to you, anyway,” she said, voicing her thoughts, and letting go of him, and reaching a bit forward, where her desk should be. When she came into contact with it, Alia gripped the desk, and waited for something to happen.

Bryan Loski

Bryan Loski

When Alia told Bryan that the view was beautiful, his heart did a little tap dance. That wasn't even the most grande positive comment, but it managed to twist something in the illusionist's stomach, followed by a bad case of butterflies. Blinking his eyes a couple times, Bryan struggled to keep the outer-space beach alive. However, he forgot to add the most important thing: to include himself in the illusion. He realized this when Alia suddenly motioned her petite hands towards Bryan's arm. Normally, Bryan opposed to any kind of skin contact. The only ones that can touch them were his mother and his sister, Hillary. If Bryan had to talk or was forced in some kind of intense conversation, he would tensed his body to avoid any unnecessary (or even necessary) touch. Not that he hated it or anything, but... he was lonely for a very long time. Bryan just decided to open his mind for this school year, and he still wanted to keep that off-touch policy intact.

But when Alia's hand finally grip his free arm, Bryan's mind gone blank. His breathing was uncontrollable, and just like that: his manipulation had gone awry. The colors went crazy: yellow sea water, red sky, rainbow planets... It was something he never experienced before. Bryan could only hope that Alia won't notice that peculiar glitch, although he doubt that anyone could miss it. When she finally asked Bryan to cut the illusion before she did something stupid, Bryan let out a loud breath. "I thought you would never ask." And the illusion stopped. They were back in the boring history class, but this time with the teacher's eyes narrowing on Bryan. Instinctively, he find his way to the man's brain, and creating an illusion that Bryan and Alia were only sitting and writing on their notes, practically minding their own business. The manipulation must have work, since that grouchy man gave a crooked smile, then continued at his explanation about great monster wars. When he turned his head back to Alia, Bryan realized that her facial was a little bit reluctant. No, awkward was the word. Which what Bryan was feeling as well. While staring at his hands, imagining that it was still intertwined with Alia's, Bryan smiled. A relieved and hopeful one, the kind that hadn't show up in his face for a long time. Then he looked at Alia again. "Now we could talk. The teacher won't suspect a thing... as long as we whispering." Bryan moistened his lips to suppress his nervousness. "How's the school year so far for you? Good? Or is it... the other way around?" I hope not. But Bryan let that to be just a thought in his head. He would love to know more about Alia, but asking about her mother could be the last thing he should do. Just like if Alia were, say, wanted to ask Bryan about Hillary.

((Sorry if this is kinda short. Neutral -headdesk-))

Alia Lornell

Alia Lornell

((Eep, I totally forgot about this))

Was this supposed to happen? All the colors had begun to go wonky, which was seriously disorienting, and which made Alia lurch in confusion, gripping the desk to steady herself. It wasn’t so much what had happened, but the suddenness of it happening, and the unexpectedness. Hopefully, the teacher wouldn’t have noticed Alia’s sudden movement, which brought her to her original question, why did all the colors change? She was sure Bryan would have told her if he’d be doing that, and it hadn’t looked very coordinated, anyway. It must have been a glitch of sorts, and Alia knew perfectly well that sometimes powers got out of hand, or sometimes manifested themselves without the person knowing.

Alia gave a breath of relief when the illusion stopped, and she could see the classroom again. It had been quite interesting, but she was glad to have her sight again. Alia did a quick scan of the classroom, and gave a small gulp when she saw the teacher zeroing in on the situation. Alia quickly turned back to her seat, and hoped that the teacher wouldn’t call her out. Talk about embarrassing. Oddly enough, the teacher just went back to his explanation, which either meant he was a complete moron, or Bryan had something to do with it.

Her theory was proved correct, when Bryan spoke. Alia gave a nod of appreciation. “That’s amazing, you’re a genius,” she said with another nod, deeming it safe enough to turn back in her seat. Seeing Bryan again was much better than just hearing him and Alia blushed a little when thinking that. She needed to keep her cool, however, so she distracted herself by tapping her fingers on the desk, and listening to Bryan’s question. “Well, I’m still alive and with all my limbs attached,” Alia said, moving her arms and legs a bit.

“So I consider that a success,” she continued, settling down again. She stretched again, after a wave of drowsiness hit. “Still, either class needs to get more exciting, or get cut short,” she commented, rubbing her eyes to try and stay awake. She wouldn’t be doing herself any favors collapsing in class. Alia smiled at Bryan. “What about you? Haven’t had any fights yet?”

((I’m…sorry >.<))

Bryan Loski

Bryan Loski

((Why are you sorry? Very Happy It's okay. ^^ Sorry for the late response, lately school just being meh to me. Neutral))

Bryan couldn't helped but blushed when Alia said that he was a genius. "It was nothing. Though if I have to manipulate more people, that could be a problem." And it was true. After Bryan gave an illusion to the entire class when it was his time to power-up for Power Placement, he suffered a killer migraine for a couple of hours afterwards. Furthermore, his emotions became more... unpredictable. But since it was his first (and hopefully last) mass illusion, Bryan hoped that he would not have to do that kind of stuff ever again. Though if it will be his duty when he graduated, Bryan had no choice but to oblige. But for now, he wanted to enjoy the little things first, when it was still school and there was no burden of the world on his shoulders. Just like now. Enjoying simple whispers with a girl. Someone Bryan actually fond of, in fact.

When Alia made a comment about how her limbs still attached on answering Bryan’s question, he tilted his head, his mouth gave a little smirk. “I can see that.” He had to blink his eyes a couple of times to retract his sights from Alia’s beautiful hands when she waved them. Then she said that classes should be more interesting, otherwise they should be cut short. Snorted then gulped to minimize any unwanted attention, Bryan nodded in agreement. “Agree. Especially on this sort of class.” He gestured to the entire classroom, then sighed. “Not that I opposed history or anything, but… He really wastes our free time.” Bryan rolled his eyes while jerking his head towards the grumpy teacher, who still explaining about whatever-the-lesson was in a very monotonous voice. After that, what Alia asked made Bryan gave a crooked smirk. Not a twisted one, but a surprised smile. “Ah… no. I… don’t fight. I rather be invisible. You know, just like what I’m doing now? With you?” But it was perfectly normal for Alia not knowing that. For two years in Sky High, Bryan had tried so hard to be anonymous and unknown. That is, until he realized that being invisible will not do him any good. Not if he wanted to be a superhero, a path that he had decided to be his future. But Alia’s question made Bryan curious about how she looked at him. “Why are you asking that, if I may ask?” Bryan bit his upper lip, a playful spark lit on his eyes. “Do I look like a trouble maker to you?” He didn’t mean that as a serious question of course. He just wanted to know how Alia will react against that mixed sentence.

Alia Lornell

Alia Lornell

((I am so sorry for lateness -.-"))

Alia gave a faint smile when Bryan responded to her comment, saying that was he did was nothing. It was most definitely not nothing. “Oh, just accept a compliment,” she said lightly, brushing some hair out of her eyes as she looked at him. The second part of his comment made sense, though, so Alia didn’t respond to that. It was pretty much the same for all powers of that type. The more of something you tried to manipulate or create, the less powerful it was, or the shorter it lasted. Alia herself had that problem with her winds, although she was working on making it stronger. Alia pushed that out of her head, however. She could think about that whenever she wanted. She couldn’t, for example, replay what Bryan was saying, so she decided to focus on that instead.

“I’m glad that someone finally agrees with me about history,” Alia agreed, replying to Bryan’s comment about this class. “I mean, if the teacher used one word for every five he said…we might only have to write 25 pages of notes,” she joked, ruffling her empty pages. At this point, she wasn’t even following what the teacher was saying, so she’d die if he announced a test or something. “Yeah, know that feeling,” Alia replied again, nodding, as she sorted through everything Bryan had said. She definitely knew that feeling. Always working on her school stuff, always trying to be the superhero her mom wants her to be…it got pretty lonely, and definitely depressing after a while. At least her mom tried to hide it, by saying it was for Alia’s own good, but both of them knew the real reason why. When Alia got assigned hero, her mom hadn’t been surprised. Not even a good job.

Shaking her head slightly, Alia managed to pull back in just in time. She gave a small laugh at Bryan’s question, and leaned forward slightly to answer. “You look like someone who could fight back,” she simply responded, her smile growing again. “Why am I asking?” Alia repeated, pausing for a bit. She thought about it for a second, before turning her attention back to Bryan. “Because most of the guys at this school are jerks, and if I asked that to anyone else, we both know what their answer would be,” she responded, sitting back in her chair again. “It’s refreshing…talking to you. Who knows, maybe it’s good the teacher talks too much,” Alia commented, tapping her fingers on her desk. “If he didn’t, I wouldn’t be talking to you.” She gave him another smile, but this one was a bit different. Bryan was definitely better than a history lesson.

Bryan Loski

Bryan Loski

Bryan tilted his head, almost lost his concentration on his power when hearing what Alia had stated on how he thought of him. Someone who could fight back? Bryan chuckled lightly, a little bit surprised on that particular response. To tell the truth, he wasn’t very much of a fighter. Bryan Loski was an awkward kid, and always preferred to stay in the back while watching the others fight and bicker. He was neutral and a loner. Though the mood for striking back sometimes swing by, he never cared for it. There was one exception though…

It was before he even got in to this school. Bryan just found out how his powers work, however… he was unlucky. He was cornered by the high school bullies: six buff kids who was three years older than him, and one of them was the one who got to experience his power first-hand. They basically pounded the boy, until finally he can’t take it anymore. Using his gift to pierced their thoughts, Bryan gave them the most horrible thing he could think of: a pack of zombies that would try to bite their heads off. The bullies screamed and yelled, but… Bryan felt a surge of power in his head. The illusionist can almost taste their fear, their longings to scatter and just hide until everything was over. Bryan’s vision turned silver, something he never experienced before. And his feeling… it was brutal. Only after one of them fainted and started to have a spasm, Bryan finally snapped back to reality.

So, in a way, his power was enough to plant a crazy seed to people’s mind. Listening to Alia’s answer about how she thought about boys in this school, Bryan could only smirk while suppressing his own reminiscence about the past. He could only hoped that Alia never asked him such a thing. “Well, you’ve talked to me for quite awhile. What do you think about me? Can I be-and this is your words, not mine- a jerk?” But her next sentence confirmed her real opinion about him. Bryan sighed softly out of relief. “Well, the feeling is mutual.” But his concentration was scrambled when the boring teacher decided to end his lesson early due to personal issues. At least, that’s what he said in front of the class. Releasing his illusion to reality, Bryan bit his lips as the other kids started to scattered outside the class. “Well, I guess… this is it.” But he had to admit, he still wanted to talk Alia some more. Being around her made Bryan… comfortable. Something he never felt in a while. “So… can I interest you in… something? After school? I mean, now.” He cleared his throat, hoping he could find better words. “Yeah. Coffee? Or a trip to a bookstore? Your pick.”

((I sense that this thread would be ending soon… And you just pry his past for a bit. XD Plus, I kinda know you still have replies to do. So good luck with that. XD))

Alia Lornell

Alia Lornell

As each second ticked by, Alia could feel a minute adding onto the conversation she knew she’d be having with her mom on why she was going to fail history. Having a superhero family meant no secrets on this world, but it also meant high, and sometimes unreal, expectations. She could just imagine her mom freaking out about her empty binder, then deciding Alia would need extra help. While Alia somewhat agreed with that, it would mean either giving up time after school, or even possible missing lunches to meet with teachers. Yeah, not fun. But she’d worry about that later, since she was having too good a time right now to spoil that about schoolwork.

“Glad to know your opinion on me,” she replied to Bryan’s comment. She would have said more, but the teacher said something about…personal issues? Alia didn’t even want to know what that meant, but she didn’t spend too much time on that. She thought more about the fact that this class was actually getting out early for once, which was a nice change. “Yeah…this is it.” But Bryan seemed just as reluctant as Alia to leave. Alia packed up slowly, partly contributing to the fact she didn’t want her papers to ruin any more than they already were, and partly to delay going home.

Alia could feel a grin breaking out on her face as Bryan spoke. Hanging out with him more was just the cure she needed for the common history class. His awkwardness was a bit endearing for her, but just to not embarrass him, she ignored that part. “I thought you’d never ask,” she started. “Coffee sounds excellent, the caffeine is needed. As for the bookstore…I’ll ring you up on that later,” she continued, with a small laugh near the end. Now, with an incentive to pack up, she gave up on her schoolwork, and tried to find a place to just put it in her backpack. Either Alia needed to be neater, or the teachers had to stop giving the young heroes so much homework. Although Alia knew the real truth behind that, she was just going to stick with the latter option.

Sliding the backpack over her shoulders, Alia walked to the door. “Coming?” she asked Bryan. Pausing for a second, she shifted the straps on her shoulders, so that the pressure was more centered. With that completed, she waited for the more eager kids to file out of the classroom, before exiting herself. “So, how about a story with the coffee? I don’t know much about you, so tell me about yourself,” Alia offered, just to keep a conversation going. At the same time, she was very curious about this boy, who had been invisible to her the last couple of years. Alia was determined to change that.

((This is probably the latest reply in the history of replies…and the ending kinda died there))

Bryan Loski

Bryan Loski

((Since the sequel of this thread would take place in a coffee shop, I'll remove it to the Village Shoppe... thingy. Very Happy))


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